Top citrus fruits that increases our immunity

 Here I listed out the tops Citrus fruits   that increases immunity of our body.

As we know fruits contains lot of vitamins and minerals.This help us to stay fit and healthy.

Eating fruits can have many benefits to our body.we need make this as our daily eating habit . 

Each fruit have its own benefits and properties .

Here are the top  citrus fruits which are essential for our body.

1)Lemon and 

2)limes  :

Lemon and limes are rich in vitamins and minerals.Especially they contain s vitamins-C .That is essential to our body.

  • To stay hydrated especially during summer s.
  • It's reduce weight loss.
  • It's helps in aids digestion.
  • Improves fresh breathe.
  • It prevents kidney stones.
3) Grapefruit :

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit.Grapefruit is also rich in vitamin -C and potassium.
In food grapefruit is consumed as juice and flavouring also be used in manufacturing of fragrances.
  • It's has low calorie and high in nutrients.
  • It's helps to brighten our skin.
  • Grapefruit helps in aid of digestion problems.
  • Its prevents the diabetes .
  • It's helps in appetite control.
  • It's also helps in weight loss.
4) Oranges :

Oranges are the healthiest fruits.They have both nutrients and taste.Oranges are rich in vitamin-C,minerals and antioxidant properties.
  • Oranges protect in cell damage.
  • It's helps us to heel the wounds and clear the skin.
  • Oranges are used in many beauty care products
  • It's helps to boostup of immunity and fight against the germs.
  • Oranges have antioxidant which improves our health.
These are the top citrus fruits which helps us alot to our body and increases immunity.
These fruits are keep you hydrated and cool.
Stay fit and Stay health.


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